0800 NERFUN (0800 637 386)
Nerf Blasters
Please note that due to the fact that new blasters are released all the time, not all blasters shown here are necessarily available on the day. Please let us know in advance if there is a specific blaster you want to play with.
For Laser Strike blasters, click here.

N-Strike Elite Firestrike
One of the smallest guns, yet packs a punch! It is light, fairly accurate and one of the most powerful of the N-Strike Elite line.

N-Strike Elite Strongarm
Decent range and quick to fire, however it is rather slow to reload as you would need to pop the barrel out of the gun first to properly reload it.

Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor
The slightly better cousin of the N-Strike Elite Strongarm. It is almost exactly the same, except that you don't need to pop the barrel out when reloading, making it quicker to reload.

Zombie Strike Hammershot
One of the more popular guns as it is easy to fire and fairly quick to reload. It is also one of the more reliable guns as it rarely jams, if ever.

Nerf Mega Cycloneshock
Similar to the Elite Strongarm, this is the Mega version of it. It fires 6 Mega darts and being a Mega blaster, it is quite powerful.

X-Shot Turbo Fire
The Turbo Fire looks sleek and with a 20-dart drum, plus 8 spare slots, it will be a while before you need to reload the gun again.

X-Shot Reflex 6
Similar to the Nerf N-Strike Elite Firestrike, but can fire 6 darts before reloading, unlike Firestrike's single shot capability.
Laser Strike Blasters

Assault Striker Orange

Assault Striker Yellow

Assault Striker Red

Strike Target
These targets can be used to sharpen your skills. Just aim and shoot! If your shot hits them, they will change colour to your team's colour. Perfect for game missions such as Capture the Base or Control Points.

I.T.S. (Intelligent Targeting System)
Now this is a target that's, well, intelligent. It has 3 different modes: sentry mode (scans enemies and blasts them), bomb mode (sends out explosive bursts of damage to enemies) and medic mode (renegerates health). It can even rotate to give you additional challenge!